In the future, problems may arise due to insufficient knowledge and skills and insufficient availability of people and resources.
It is important to make the content and knowledge available as e-learning or micro-learning. Possibly with practical sessions. The e-learning can also be supplemented with a Virtual Reality application, 2 or 3 dimensional animations, interactive videos, gamification solutions or a combination of these.
Based on proven solutions, content is also supplemented with own innovations and integrations. In this blog we will tell you how far we are in this and what is still needed.
Is innovation expensive? No, just cost effective!
By making adequate and relevant knowledge available at all times, costs can be reduced. By making broad and deeper knowledge available exactly when it is needed, people and resources can be deployed more flexibly. Very interesting for many organizations.
Are these only hopes for the future?
No, because a large part of this innovation has already been realized, such as the methodology to make existing content available via Artificial Intelligence (AI) and partly offer it as micro learning to the right people, when they need it.
It is then possible to make the learning results available to management via dashboards and to store them in a special database (Learning Record Store). This can be done as Experience API statements.
A practical example with semantic data: “John has performed an exercise well”. This data can be linked to Learning Journeys, so that it can be analyzed what the level of knowledge transfer is and which employees need which specific support for additional knowledge and skills.
The advantage of this is that it transcends traditional e-learning! Practicing a separate simulation or performing a real-world assignment can be tracked in this way and used for follow-up actions and analyses.
What is needed to realize this?
A component that is being further developed within the ILIAS community (ILIAS is the basic platform that is also used by the Dutch Defense), is the possibility to have the system automatically determine who still needs to learn what via AI.
This is to make him or her deployable for working with specific resources. This will realize further cost savings. With regard to the learning contents, it is possible to work with, for example, VR technology or the linking of a simulator.
The development is therefore still mainly in the area of advice/remediation with the aid of Artificial Intelligence.
However, this knowledge and expertise is available within existing projects and/or under development. The Future Learning consultants can join in to put the right expertise into practice. The rest of the standardized infrastructure is available based on the ILIAS learning and knowledge transfer platform.
Innovation in learning is therefore within reach!